I am currently a PhD student in National Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science on Synthetic Vision,Sichuan University, supervised by Prof. Ziliang Feng. I received master’s degree from Xihua University, under the supervision of Prof. Zhisheng Gao.

I am currently a member at Intelligent Policing Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Police College, Chengdu, China. My research focuses on low-level vision ,computer vision and model-based image processing. My current research is image fusion.

Research Interest

  • Low-level vision: Multi-modal Image Restoration,Multi-modal visual information fusion,image deblurring, image super-resolution;
  • Computer Vision: semantic segmentation,Person Re-identification,concealed scene understanding,RGB-T Tracking,Infrared Small Target Detection;
  • Multimedia Forensics and Security: image manipulation detection,DeepFake and Face Forgery detection,facial retouching detection and Restoration;
  • Machine Learning: sparse signal processing,Convolutional Sparse Representation;
  • Multimodal Machine Learning: Multimodal Fusion.


  • chengfangzhang@scpolicec.edu.cn
  • zcf1838725417@163.com
  • cfzhang2022@gmail.com



Journal papers

20. A Hybrid Approach of Prompt-based Learning and Rules for Domain Specific Named Entity Recognition
ZHANG Han,ZHANG Yazhou, XU Bingzhi, ZHANG Chengfang*
J. Zhengzhou Univ. (Nat. Sci. Ed. ), 2024
19. BSNet: A bilateral real-time semantic segmentation network based on multi-scale receptive fields
Jin Zhenyi , Dou Furong,Feng Ziliang, Chengfang Zhang*
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2024
18. Ghost-Unet: multi-stage network for image deblurring via lightweight subnet learning
Feng Ziliang,Zhang Ju , Ra, Xusong , L, Donglu,Chengfang Zhang*
The Visual Computer, 2024
17. Multi-focus image fusion via online convolutional sparse coding
Chengfang Zhang*, Zhang Ziyou , Li Haoyue , He Sidi , Feng Ziliang
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024, Volume: 83
16. Joint sparse model with coupled dictionary for medical image fusion
Chengfang Zhang*, Zhang Ziyou , Feng Ziliang,Yi Liangzhong
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, Volume: 79
15. Recent advances via convolutional sparse representation model for pixel-level image fusion
Pan Yue , Lan Tianye , Xu Chongyang,Chengfang Zhang*, Feng Ziliang
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023
14. Image fusion using online convolutional sparse coding
Chengfang Zhang*, Zhang Ziyou , Feng Ziliang
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2023, Volume: 4
13. Efficient real-time semantic segmentation: accelerating accuracy with fast non-local attention
Lan Tianye , Dou Furong, Feng Ziliang,Chengfang Zhang*
The Visual Computer, 2023
12. Joint coupled dictionaries-based visible-infrared image fusion method via texture preservation structure in sparse domain
Chengfang Zhang*, Li Haoyue , Feng Ziliang , He Sidi
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2023, Volume: 235
11. A Novel Fusion Method Based on Online Convolutional Sparse Coding with Sample-Dependent Dictionary for Visible–Infrared Images
Chengfang Zhang*
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2023, Volume: 48
10. Convolutional analysis operator learning for multifocus image fusion
Chengfang Zhang*, Feng Ziliang
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2022 ,Volume: 103
9. EASNet: a multi-scale attention semantic segmentation network combined with asymmetric convolution
Dou Furong,Chengfang Zhang*, Hu Die,Feng Ziliang
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2022 ,Volume: 31
8. Human Instance Guided Two-Stream Network for Person Re-identification
He Xudong,Chengfang Zhang*, Dou Furong,Feng Ziliang
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2022 ,Volume: 31
7. Infrared-visible image fusion using accelerated convergent convolutional dictionary learning
Chengfang Zhang*,Feng Ziliang
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022, Volume: 47
6. Multifocus image fusion using a convolutional elastic network
Chengfang Zhang*
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, Volume: 81
5. Multifocus image fusion using convolutional dictionary learning with adaptive contrast enhancement
Chengfang Zhang*
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2021, Volume: 30
4. Multi-focus image fusion using multi-scale transform and convolutional sparse representation
Chengfang Zhang*
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2021, Volume: 19
3. Salient feature multimodal image fusion with a joint sparse model and multiscale dictionary learning
Chengfang Zhang*,Feng Ziliang , Gao Zhisheng , Jin Xin , Yan Dan , Yi Liangzhong
Optical Engineering, 2020, Volume: 59
2. Multimodal image fusion with adaptive joint sparsity model
Chengfang Zhang*,Yi Liangzhong , Feng Ziliang , Gao Zhisheng , Jin Xin , Yan Dan
Journal of Electronic imaging, 2019, Volume: 28
1. Texture clear muti-modal image fusion with joint sparsity model
Gao, Zhisheng*, Chengfang Zhang
Optik, 2017, Volume: 130.

Conference papers

4. An efficient medical image fusion via online convolutional sparse coding with sample-dependent dictionary
Chengfang Zhang*, Feng Ziliang , Zhang Chao , Yi Kai
(ICIG 2023), 2023, pages:3--13
3. Infrared and visible image fusion using NSCT and convolutional sparse representation
Chengfang Zhang, Yue Zhen , Yi Liangzhong , Jin Xin , Yan Dan , Yang Xingchun*
(ICIG 2019), 2019, Beijing, China, August 23--25, pages:393--405
2. Multimodal Image Fusion Based on a Convolutional Elastic Network
Chengfang Zhang*, Yan Dan,Yi Liangzhong
2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2019), 2019 pages:1008--1016
1. Visible and infrared image fusion based on convolutional sparse coding with gradient regularization
Chengfang Zhang*, Yan Dan,Yi Liangzhong
2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2019), 2019 pages:1043--1049

Academic Services

Reviewer for: KBS,ESWA,Information fusion,BSPC,Infrared Physics and Technology,Optics and Laser Technology,Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express,Image and Vision Computing,Neural Computing and Applications,Pattern Analysis and Applications,Machine Vision and Applications,Soft Computing,Optical and Quantum Electronics,Physics in Medicine and Biology,Frontiers in Physics,…


CAAI Member, CSIG Member